Warning!! Signs of aging skin, let’s take a look to prevent premature aging

Nida Esthetic Cosmetic Surgery Bangkok



Time is very crucial for us as a woman but, nowadays, beauty medical technology has advanced so far that we are able to take care of ourselves at a very young age.  But, how do we know that our skin looks older than our age?  Let's see the content down below.


1. Wrinkles 
Wrinkles are the first noticeable signs of skin aging which usually occurs when the skin lacks moisture and the elastin and collagen decrease with increasing age. They are often found around the eyes and mouth. Smoking and excessive exposure to UV rays from sunlight are external stimuli that can cause wrinkles to appear faster.



2. Dark Spots
When we are getting older, pigment cells divide quickly and come together to form dark spots  and freckles. This usually occurs in locations exposed to sunlight, such as the back of the hand.



3. Sagging Skin 
Facial sagging skin is caused by the skin lacking elastin and collagen. When our age increases,  the skin becomes loose. Loss of firmness of the skin, gravity and excessive weight gain are additional factors that causes sagging skin.



4. Dehydrated Skin
When we are getting older, the skin’s ability to produce moisture becomes less. This causes the top layer of skin to dry out. Also, sun exposure can cause dry skin too.



5. Dull Skin
Skin dullness is caused by dead skin cells that accumulate on the skin so the clarity disappears and the renewal performance of new skin cells every 10 years is reduced by about 7%, making the new skin cells created to replace the dead skin cells become less.

6. Thin Skin
The epidermis of the skin has a slower build-up as we are getting older so the skin becomes thinner; therefore, it is one of the reasons that cause wrinkles more easily.

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