Refund Policy

If the client wish to cancel the surgery for any reason, the client can claim refund under the following conditions:

  • A 100% refund of the total payment will be given to the client if the cancellation is notified to Nida Esth ‘ more than or within 15 days prior to the scheduled surgery.
  • Cancellation less than 15 days will not be accepted for any refund
  • Cancellation must be notified through a cancellation letter with affixed signature of the patient or legal guardian (for underage clients) through email and/or fax using the following information:
    • Email:
    • Fax: +662-658-4447
  • Cancellation letter without an affixed signature of the authorized person shall be considered invalid and no refund will be given if proper cancellation letter is not provided in the given time mentioned above.
  • Refund will be given through the following:
    • Bank transfer - client must provide a valid bank account with the following information.
                      ■ Bank name
                      ■ Bank account name
                      ■ Bank account number
                      ■ Bank account branch
                      ■ Bank address
                      ■ SWIFT code
    • Cash - refund will be handed in cash if the patient will be able to claim it at Nida Esth’ clinic. If a client wish to send a representative to claim the refund, the said person should provide the following:
                      ■ Authorization letter with affixed signature of the client or legal guardian
                      ■ Two valid IDs (passport is considered)
  • A valid email and mobile number should be provided for us to notify the client and send a copy of the deposit slip/receipt of the bank transfer.


  • Bank transfer charges will be deducted from the amount sent to your account.
  • Nida Esth’ will not be accountable for any delay and/or problems related to transferring the amount due to the bank’s error.
  • Any private information provided by the client are taken cared of with confidentiality.