Yoga for facial skin youth, skin firmness and 5-minute tips to get rid of your eye bags

Nida Esthetic Cosmetic Surgery Bangkok



A V-shaped face and radiant skin without wrinkles are the skin that every girl dreams of, especially at the beginning of your 30s. It is very important to nourish and care for your facial skin. The simple way that can be done in everyday life is facial yoga. Just keep doing it every day in the morning or before going to bed, your face will be more in shape, tightened, and perfect which is definitely not within your reach.



Step 1: Yoga for bags under the eyes
Step 1: Do a 2-finger pose, then place your fingers on both eyes by placing your middle finger on the corner of your eye and the index finger is placed at the tail of the eyebrow. Then, gently press the fingers of both hands, then roll your eyes up and down for 10 times.
Step 2: Place your hands in the same position. Then, close your eyes tightly, count 1-40 and slowly open your eyes.
Tips : Be careful not to press your fingers too hard because it will cause wrinkles.



Step 2: Fat’s Cheek Reduction Yoga
For the cheek reduction posture, it's very easy.  Just point your upper lip toward your lower teeth so your chin is protruding, then smile. Then, lift the corners of your mouth, and look up at the ceiling.  Hold your neck up tight for 10 seconds. Do this 3 times a day. It is guaranteed that fatty cheeks will disappear.

Step 3: Yoga to tighten for rejuvenation
 Step 1: Tilt your head to the left. Hold for 5 seconds, then tilt your head to the right for 5 seconds.
 Step 2: Open your eyes wide or open your eyes alternately, them get your eyes closed, repeat 10 times.
 Step 3: Use the fingers of both hands to gently press the area under the eyes to the tail of the eyebrows. Repeat 10 times.
 Step 4: Use your middle finger to gradually press down on the corner of the eye or around the bridge of the nose on both sides, then slowly draw a finger down under the eyes through the cheekbones up to the temples. Repeat this 10 times.
 Step 5: Use your index finger to press lightly on area under the cheekbones near the alar of the nose. Then, move to your nose and the muscles above your upper lip back and forth for 10 times.
 Step 6: Purse your lips and suck your cheeks together. Then, move the muscles around the cheekbones back and forth for 10 times.
 Step 7 : Purse your lips, then look up as much as you can and hold it for 10 seconds.
 Step 8 : Purse your lips and push your tongue out between the lower and upper lips. Keep facing left for 5 seconds, then switch to right side and hold for 5 seconds.

 You see? It takes only 5 minutes a day, any young women can exercise their facial skin to look younger and also get a more V-shaped face.


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