“Dare to change, Beauty with no Risk” of Yui - Atithaya Chaichana

Nida Esthetic Cosmetic Surgery Bangkok



“Dare to change, Beauty with no Risk” of Yui - Atithaya Chaichana

Almost 97% of us are looking for an idol with our ideal beauty because we’d like to look as good as someone else as if photocopied. But, do not forget that our own beauty is within everyone; for instance, a business woman that is successful in her packaging business, she also pays attention to her body because it makes her feel more confident which also brings successes to her in every aspects of her life.

“The day I thought that I would change myself, I researched about surgeons a lot but I didn’t choose to follow those testimonials in social media because as a person in a business field, I knew it was a marketing strategy of some sort of uncertified clinics. Then, I got a lot of advice of my friends in a business field who were also celebrities in Thailand, most of them recommended Dr. Piya at Nida Esth’ and said that he was the best in cosmetic surgical procedures, giving the most natural result. Immediately, I decided to make a consultation with the doctor. During the consultation, he explained a lot in details about the procedures and techniques with honesty. So, with his explanation and his pieces in so many celebrities and businessmen and women in Thailand, I was not hesitated to be one of his patients.”

The case of Khun Yui is quite challenging because her body is so small and, for breast augmentation, I should consider her breast base width whether there are breast tissues enough to perform the operation or not. Moreover, we have to look at the size and the proportion of her body for the most natural result. For Khun Yui, I applied the Duel Plane technique where the upper part of implants are placed under muscles and the lower parts of implants are placed above muscles; also, I injected the Botox for a teardrop-shaped result. The pro is the breasts will be in shape more rapidly and a chance of having fascia is quite low. More importantly, due to the safety of the patient, I’d normally use the implants certified by international associations with no side effects. And, I always tell my patients that the post-care operations are significant; consequently, the post-op consultations are required until everything is stable” said Dr. Piya Rungruxsiri, M.D.

After Khun Yui had a breast augmentation with Dr. Piya, she regained her confidence. Dr. Piya is the best. My husband and my friends compliment me that the result is natural and proportionate to my body. Plus, it also affects her business that whatever she does, the result becomes such a phenomenon. Her life, her family and her business become such a success. “I am really impressed with the outcome and the doctor himself. Today, he is my personal beauty expert” said Yui – Atithaya – a billionaire businesswoman that is confident and decisive in every decision of hers.

Nowadays, Dr. Piya Rungruxsiri, M.D. – a director of Nida Esth’ Medical Centre, a board-certified surgeon of a society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand and a creator of beauty for more than 18 years. Throughout his 18 years of his performance, Dr. Piya has delivered beauty to a lot of celebrities, actors, actresses, businesspersons and famous people in Thailand until he is called “Dr. Piya, a beauty master”


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