6D inside-out lifting by Fotona

Lock Youth by Fotona


All-in-one beauty laser technology with Ultra-Multi-Laser-Therapy that helps to end all 6 dimensions of skin problems from inside to outside, no pain, no surgery  no need to recuperate

“End the problem of sagging
 Blemishes - freckles, dark spots
Dull skin
 Acne and scars
 Remove excess hair  reveal smooth skin
 And rejuvenate you to be young girls again
 Along with enhancing collagen production.”


What is Fotona 6D™ 

Fotona 6D™ is an innovative therapeutic approach with Ultra-Multi-Laser-Therapy designed to meet all dimensions of beauty’s concerns from skin problems, wrinkles, sagging on the face or on the body, acne problem - scars  uneven skin, excess hair in various areas, including the problem of loose vagina.  This is a technology that has been certified by international dermatologists that it is safe and does not cause side effects as well as being perfectly effective in treating.

What is Fotona 6D™ Inside-out Lifting

Fotona 6D™ Inside-out Lifting:
Combining 6 unique beam energy to enhance 
the perfect face lifting effect from the inside out

Wouldn't it be better if Full Face Lift surgery can be done to get rid of age wrinkles in all 6 layers of the skin from the inside out without surgery, without pain and without wasting time to recuperate?

Fotona 6D™ Inside-out Lifting is a face lifting program that is able to make your skin firm, wrinkle-free and bright without surgery that results in a youthful and natural look. It is suitable for those who are looking for a non-surgical and safe face lifting method. Fotona 6D is different because it can fix problems from the inside out, resulting in perfect lifting results that other laser technologies can never do.

Fotona 6D™ Inside-out Lifting Program Workflow

Fotona 6D

Fotona 6D™ Inside-out Lifting program can help collagen fully shrink, making the skin lift and increase firmness as well as continuously reduce wrinkles without injection of any kind of fillers. The program is divided into 4 different treatment modes:

Mode 1: SmoothLiftinTM is the use of laser energy to tighten the cheek skin to make it smooth and tight from the inside of the cheekbones on both sides, which does not create pain at all. But, the patient must gargle with the solution provided to clean the inside of the mouth before treatment.

Mode 2: FRAC3 is used on the facial surface in order to boost up the external energy from the first step from the inside. It will be used on all over the face by focusing on the cheeks of both sides to lift up the skin which also helps to adjust the skin color on the face evenly.

Mode 3: PIANO is to stimulate collagen fibers on all over the face. It takes time at this stage to deliver energy to the deeper layers of the skin to help tighten the skin from the deep skin layer . In addition, the laser head has a temperature sensor that indicates that it is getting the right power; therefore, it is totally safe.

Mode 4: SupErficial TM Micro peeling is a gentle laser exfoliation of the top layer of skin, helping to brighten the skin, restore smoothness to the skin without causing injury , causing no scabs after the treatment and being able to help treat melasma, freckles and dullness effectively.

Fotona 6D

Mode 5: LipLase

This fifth mode effectively stimulates the production of collagen in the lips. After treatment, it will give the appearance of the 'ideal lip' that have fullness, volume and balance between the upper and lower lips, including the red lips that indicate good health.


Mode 6: Vector Lift

This last mode can lift up the shape of the eyebrows to make them beautiful and not sagging while gently lifting the upper eyelid too without affecting the surrounding area.



Fotona Before After


Areas that can be treated

  • Sagging skin on the face such as cheeks or chin

Features of Fotona 6D™ Inside-out Lifting Program

  • Firm skin without any fillers or chemicals
  • It is a lifting treatment from the inside out.
  • Instantly restores, tightens, and shines
  • Facial skin is noticeably improved.
  • It takes little or no recovery time.
  • No surgery or use of needles and anesthesia



Fotona 6D™ Benefits

  • It is a treatment technology with multi-therapy that covers many parts of the treatment
  • Don't worry about pain
  • Give clear results, equivalent to surgery
  • No need to recuperate for a long time
  • Gentle and suitable for all skin types in all proportions of the body

Why get Fotona 6D™ treatment at Nida Esth'?


Why get Fotona 6D™ treatment at Nida Esth'?

  • Because of the expertise in skin problem analysis of Dr. Sunida Yuthayotin, a dermatologist and laser specialist with over 22 years of experience in beauty, Dr. Nida is the designer of therapeutic techniques that meet the needs and achieve satisfactory results for every patient
  • Clear Vision 2D & 3D skin problem analysis and scanning technology that scans deeply into each layer of the skin in 2D and 3D, making it possible to know the true skin problems of each patient.
  • With more than 15 beauty medical laser technologies that meet world-class US FDA standards, the most numerous in Thailand, Nida Esth' is a specialized aesthetic medical center that treats each skin problem deeply and accurately.
  • Body Simulation Design by Vectra 3D design dimensions of the body Ready to simulate a virtual 3D image after the treatment, allowing you to collaborate with surgeons to design a cross-dimensional body at the only Nida Esth' Medical Center and the only technology in Southeast Asia. Also, the Robo-Body Scanning Analysis, a technology for analyzing body mass Along with assessing the age of the body compared to the real age and with these technologies, the patient is like crossing the dimensions of time to analyze and see the shape in advance before deciding on surgery.
  • We provide the standard of safety to Premium level with international safety measures of International GHA COVID-19 (Global Health Accreditation) to upgrade service and safety with beauty as "the Masterpiece of art" for the confidence of all patients with full of perfect beauty results.
  • There is a team of nurses with expertise in beauty who is ready to take care and solve the patient's concerns throughout the service.
  • Medical Customer Service team who will be able to answer beauty problems and ready to take care of you like a family member 24 h.
  • English-Speaking Nurses who can take care of patients of all nationalities and answer all concerns and all beauty problems.
  • Nida Esth' guarantees results by comparing images before and after treatment with state-of-the-art technology to see the difference every time you receive treatment for skin problems.