Signal lift

Nida Esthetic Cosmetic Surgery Bangkok

Defy Aging and bring youth back in one treatment

10 years younger 

10 times more beautiful than ever.

What is Bio-Signal nanotechnology?
Meet the Expert
Dr. Xanya Weiss
Dr. Xanya Weiss PhD. in Neurophysiology, University of London Research Director of Ion Institute

“This was a piece of research from the University of London, which was developed by the first team who invented the pacemaker.”

“This is the master piece of anti-ageing therapy, giving a long-lasting result within the short period.”

“With the property of Bio-signal Compatibility, a signal transduction in cellular level.”

“Bio-signal nanotechnology releases analogue waves mimicking cell signalling in natural manner. As a result, it can produce various proteins affecting the youthfulness”



The results of this study demonstrate that. Bio-Signal Nanotechnology provides.

  • Permanent facial rejuvenation
  • Radiance
  • Lifting
  • Increase in the secretion of youthful proteins, such as G-proteins, haemoglobin, collagen, ATPase, Actin/ Myosin, Oxygen-enhanced proteins



What is the secret behind this technology which causes the patient look 10-25 year younger?

It is a cellular secret. When we were young, our body normally released youthful signals for the cells to produce collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin were tightened, and no wrinkles were formed. In contrast, those signals are deficient, resulting in cellular ageing when we get older. Therefore, when we transduce the youthful signal compensation, rejuvenation process will occur naturally without foreign bodies in our body.



What are the differences between Bio-signal Therapy and surgery/ botox/ filler injection?
Surgery/ Botox/ Filler injection are all foreign bodies or extrinsic treatment. On the other hand, Bio-signal therapy rejuvenates our cells intrinsically.

Is it possible to make a 10-year-younger look by this treatment?
From the previous treatment results, it is obviously different, reflecting naturally glow and healthy skin.

Will the noticeable result appear since the first treatment?
Certainly, it will provide the different result noticeably. The treated half of the face show the tightening and decreases in fine line when compared to the non-treatment face half.



How often should we get the treatments?
The obvious result can be seen in every case since the first treatment. If you are 20, only one treatment per year will be enough. If you are 30-40, we will suggest at least 5 treatments per year. If you are 50-60, at least 10 treatments per year will be recommended. For a maximum result, each treatment should be performed every 2 weeks continuously.

How frequency does the patient get the treatment?
As often as needed. Due to natural rejuvenation mimicking, there is no restriction. The more frequently you get, the younger you look.



This treatment is suitable for whom?
Everyone. This technology is safe and not painful.

How does the patient feel during the treatment?
Neither pain nor heat occurs when getting the treatment.



Are there any restrictions?
Only the patient with a heart pacemaker is not allowed to get the treatment.

How long does the result of Bio-signal therapy last?
It will last 1-2 years, depending on post-treatment personal care. However, most of the patients return to maintain their youthfulness. Even some teenagers with acnes, pores, and red or black spots get better skin when receiving Bio-signal therapy.

When should we start to get the treatment?
As fast as possible. The prevention always gives the better result than the treatment.

Are there any side effects?
An evidence of side effects has not been reported so far. This method is very safe, gentle and approved by European countries as well as USA.