Breast Implant Removal

Nida Esthetic Cosmetic Surgery Bangkok

If you previously have undergone breast augmentation with unpleasing results or would love to have natural breasts as before.

There can be a lot of factors that lead to breast implant removal such as capsular contracture, rupture, implant shifting, wrinkling and unsatisfying result. 



Why Breast Implant Removal at Nida Esth’

  • The expertise of a surgeon – Dr. Piya Rungruxsiri – who has a special technique of breast surgery and more-than-19-year experience in surgical field. 
  • Anesthesiologists and nurse teams who have experiences in taking care patients and hospitalization both local and international 
  • We provide VECTRA 3D which can simulates a 3 dimensional photographs of an expecting result of procedures
  • Standardized and certified medical instruments.
  • Patients will be receiving professional care from nurses who demonstrates post-operation care.

How to get started?

  • Make an appointment for consultation
  • Consultation with the surgeon for proper assessment and to discuss your goals and expected outcome.
  • Inform the surgeon about all the medications you are taking, including vitamins, food supplements, etc. The surgeon may instruct you to stop taking a certain medicine before and after the surgery.
  • Inform the surgeon about your past and present health history
  • Inform the surgeon any particular drug and food allergies you have
  • No smoking 2 weeks before the surgery
  • Decide for a schedule for the surgery

Breast Implant Removal Process 

  1. Medical checkup with a surgeon and begin an anesthesia process
  2. In case of breast re-augmentation, a surgeon will remove old implants and fascia around them. Then, replace them with new implants 
  3. In case of breast implant removal, a surgeon will remove old implants and fascia around them.
  4. Cleanse wounds and stitch up
  5. Patients have to be admitted at hospital for a day

Surgical Duration 

Approximately 1-3 hours, depending on each patient 

Post-operation after Breast Implant Removal  

  • Wear sport bars or wireless bras
  • Avoid water to get in contact with wounds 
  • Avoid lifting heavy goods or exercises 
  • Regularly do breast massage 

Result of Breast Implant Removal 

Once a surgeon removes breast implants, the breast size will be in the original size before the surgery. In some cases, it can develop saggy breasts.  




Surgery package

  • Hospital accommodations 
  • OR and recovery room charges
  • Medical equipment and supplies
  • Preoperative routine lab tests
  • Pre op medicines, anesthesia, medical gas
  • Professional fees (surgeons, anesthesiologist, nurses)
  •  Post op care
  • Transportation (hotel-hospital-hotel)
  • Mobile SIM card